3,145 records found

Organisations: Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRSF) Types: Traceability Unit

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  • Traceability Unit

    Solea solea - Celtic Sea South (Division 27.7.h) - Southwest of Ireland - Wes...

    Short Name: Common sole | SW of Ireland | EU 7hjk | Ireland | Beam trawls - Sole - Celtic Sea South and Southwest of Ireland GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Homarus americanus - Canadian Lobster Fishing Area 35 - Canadian Lobster Fish...

    Short Name: American lobster | Bay of Fundy | Canada LFA 35 | Canada | Pots - American lobster - Bay of Fundy GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Gadus morhua - East of Gotland or Gulf of Riga (Subdivision 27.3.d.28) - Both...

    Short Name: Atlantic cod | Baltic Sea eastern | Russia 26 | Russian Federation | Bottom trawls - Cod - Baltic Sea (eastern part) GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Sprattus sprattus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Divisi...

    Short Name: European sprat | North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat | EU / Norway 3a | Germany | Purse seines - Sprat ICES 3a-4 GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Sebastes mentella - East Greenland (Subarea 27.14) - Atlantic, Northwest / 21...

    Short Name: Beaked redfish | Irminger Sea shallow pelagic | NEAFC and NAFO Regulatory Areas | Faroe Islands | Midwater trawls - Beaked Redfish Areas V-XII-XIV and NAFO Subareas...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Thunnus alalunga - North Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...

    Short Name: Albacore | North Pacific | IATTC | Canada | Trolling lines - Albacore - Northern Pacific GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Sprattus sprattus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Divisi...

    Short Name: European sprat | North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat | EU 4 | United Kingdom | Purse seines - Sprat ICES 3a-4 GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Microstomus kitt - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Divisio...

    Short Name: Lemon sole | North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, Eastern English Channel | EU /UK 2a,4 | United Kingdom | Danish seines - Lemon sole - North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack tuna Eastern Atlantic - International Commissio...

    Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Eastern Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Gabon | Associated purse seining - Skipjack tuna - East Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Thunnus obesus - Yellowfin tuna Atlantic - White marlin Atlantic - Blue marli...

    Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT Atlantic | Senegal | FAD-free purse seining - Bigeye tuna - Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Micromesistius poutassou - Skagerrak, Kattegat, Sound, Belt Sea, and Baltic S...

    Short Name: Blue whiting | NE Atlantic | EU/Faroe Islands/Iceland/Norway/NEAFC 1-7,8ab,8de,12,14/UK | Ireland | Purse seines - Blue whiting - Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Melanogrammus aeglefinus - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Sea, Spitzb...

    Short Name: Haddock | Barents Sea | Norway/Russia | Greenland | Bottom trawls - Haddock - Barents Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Gadus morhua - Faroe Bank (Subdivision 27.5.b.2) - Faroese Ministry of Fisher...

    Short Name: Atlantic cod | Faroe Bank | Faroe Islands Vb2 | Faroe Islands | Longlines - Atlantic cod Faroe Bank GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Western and ...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Palau | Hooks and lines - Yellowfin tuna - Western and Central Pacific Ocean GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Argentina silus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division...

    Short Name: Greater argentine | Northeast Arctic, North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat | EU / UK 1,2 | United Kingdom | Midwater trawls - Greater silver smelt - Barents Sea,...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Melanogrammus aeglefinus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V - Atlantic, Northwest...

    Short Name: Haddock | Eastern Scotia shelf | Canada 4TVW | Canada | Vertical Lines - Haddock - Eastern Scotia shelf GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Serranidae - Philippines FMA 4 - Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic ...

    Short Name: Groupers, seabasses nei | Philippines FMA 4 | Philippines FMA 4 | Philippines | Traps - Groupers, seabasses nei - Philippines FMA 4 GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Katsuwonus pelamis - Indian Ocean, Western - Indian Ocean, Eastern - Indian O...

    Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Indian Ocean | IOTC | South Africa | Longlines - Skipjack tuna - Indian Ocean GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Scomber colias - Portugal - Spain - European Commission - Portuguese Ministry...

    Short Name: Atlantic chub mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU/Portugal | Portugal | Purse seines - Atlantic chub mackerel - NE Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Pandalus borealis - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1 - Faroese Ministry of Fisherie...

    Short Name: Northern prawn | Western Greenland | Faroe Islands | Faroe Islands | Bottom trawls - Northern prawn - Western Greenland GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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