8,985 records found

Groups: GRSF

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  • Traceability Unit

    Donax trunculus - Bulgaria - Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fore...

    Short Name: Truncate donax | Black Sea | Bulgaria | Bulgaria | Hand dredges - Truncate donax - Black Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Zearaja nasuta - Quota Management Area RSK1 - New Zealand Ministry for Primar...

    Short Name: New Zealand rough skate | Auckland East | New Zealand RSK1 | New Zealand | Single boat midwater otter trawls - New Zealand rough skate - Auckland East GRSF Semantic...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Melanogrammus aeglefinus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak (Subdivision ...

    Short Name: Haddock | North Sea, West of Scotland and Skagerrak | EU / UK / Norway 4 | Norway | Pots - Haddock - North Sea, Skagerrak and West of Scotland GRSF Semantic...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Katsuwonus pelamis - Indian Ocean, Western - Indian Ocean, Eastern - Indian O...

    Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Indian Ocean | IOTC | Oman | Longlines - Skipjack tuna - Indian Ocean GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Brosme brosme - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen, and ...

    Short Name: Tusk | Barents Sea | Norway/Russia | Russian Federation | Longlines - Tusk - Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen and Bear Island GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Gadus morhua - Sound (Subdivision 27.3.b.23) - Baltic West of Bornholm (Subdi...

    Short Name: Atlantic cod | Baltic sea western | EU 22-24 | Sweden | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Cod - Baltic Sea (western part) GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Clupea harengus - Icelandic Shelf (Subdivision 27.5.a.2) - Icelandic Ministry...

    Short Name: Atlantic herring | Icelandic summer-spawning | Iceland | Iceland | Drift gillnets - Atlantic herring - Icelandic summer-spawning GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Gadus chalcogrammus - North Pacific - Walleye pollock (Aleutian Islands) EFH ...

    Short Name: Alaska pollock | Aleutian Islands | US NPFMC BSAI | United States | Midwater trawls - Walleye pollock Aleutian Islands GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Belize | FAD-free purse seining - Yellowfin tuna - Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Gadus morhua - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P.s - Department of Fisheries and O...

    Short Name: Atlantic cod | St. Pierre Bank | St Pierre Bank | Canada/France 3Ps | Canada | Longlines - Atlantic cod - 3Ps GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Clupea harengus - Northern North Sea (Division 27.4.a) - Iceland and Faroes G...

    Short Name: Atlantic herring | NE Atlantic spring spawners | Faroes/NEAFC | Faroe Islands | Purse seines - Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Thunnus alalunga - Albacore South Atlantic - International Commission for the...

    Short Name: Albacore | South Atlantic | ICCAT Southern Atlantic | South Africa | Longlines - Albacore - South Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Placopecten magellanicus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P.s - Department of Fis...

    Short Name: American sea scallop | St. Pierre Bank | Canada SFA 10-11 (offshore) | Canada | Towed dredges - Sea scallop St. Pierre Bank GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Homarus americanus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.A - Atlantic, Northwest / 21....

    Short Name: American lobster | Southern New England/Mid Atlantic | US. New England S.& Mid Atlantic | United States | Pots - American lobster - Southern New England/Mid...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Octopus vulgaris - Atlantic, East central / 34.1.32 - Atlantic, East central ...

    Short Name: Common octopus | Dakhla | Morocco | Morocco | Pots - Common octopus - Dakhla stock (26°N - 21°N) GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Lepidopsetta bilineata - FAO DIVISION 67.5.A - FAO DIVISION 67.5.B - Alaska D...

    Short Name: Rock sole | Gulf of Alaska | US NPFMC GOA | United States | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Rock sole Queen Charlotte Sound GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Gadus morhua - Celtic Sea South (Division 27.7.h) - Southwest of Ireland - We...

    Short Name: Atlantic cod | Celtic Sea and W English Channel | EU/UK 7b,7c,7e-k,8,9,10,34.1 | Ireland | Scottish seines - Cod - Western English Channel, Bristol Channel, Celtic...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Sardinella lemuru - Philippines FMA 4 - Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and A...

    Short Name: Bali sardinella | Philippines FMA 4 | Philippines FMA 4 | Philippines | Encircling gillnets - Bali sardinella - Philippines FMA 4 GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Merluccius gayi gayi - Pacific, Southeast / 87.1.14 - Pacific, Southeast / 87...

    Short Name: South Pacific hake | Peruvian | Peru industrial | Peru | Midwater trawls - South Pacific hake - Peruvian GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Traceability Unit

    Thunnus alalunga - Albacore tuna North Atlantic - Swordfish North Atlantic - ...

    Short Name: Albacore | North Atlantic | ICCAT Northern Atlantic | Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | Longlines - Albacore - North Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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