Mustelus higmani - Suriname - Venezuela - Guyana - French Guiana
Short Name: Smalleye smoothhound - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CTJ+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:VEN Record URL:...-
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Rhizoprionodon porosus - Suriname - Venezuela - Guyana - French Guiana
Short Name: Caribbean sharpnose shark - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:RHR+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:VEN Record URL:...-
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Sphyrna tudes - Suriname - Venezuela - Guyana - French Guiana
Short Name: Smalleye hammerhead - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SPQ+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:VEN Record URL:...-
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Xiphopenaeus kroyeri - Suriname - Guyana
Short Name: Seabob - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BOB+eez:GUY;eez:SUR Record URL:...-
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Rhizoprionodon lalandii - Suriname - Venezuela - Guyana - French Guiana
Short Name: Brazillian shrapnose shark - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:RHL+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:VEN Record URL:...-
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Rhomboplites aurorubens - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago - Venezuela - Guyana...
Short Name: Vermilion snapper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:RPU+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:TTO;eez:VEN Record...-
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Lutjanus purpureus - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago - Venezuela - Guyana - Fr...
Short Name: Southern red snapper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SNC+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:TTO;eez:VEN...-
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Penaeus subtilis - Suriname - Guyana - French Guiana
Short Name: Brown shrimp - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PNU+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR Record URL:...-
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Hyporthodus flavolimbatus - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago - Venezuela - Guya...
Short Name: Yellowedge grouper - Continental slope of French Guiana to Northeastern Venezuela GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:EEL+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:TTO;eez:VEN Record...-
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Carcharhinus porosus - Suriname - Venezuela - Guyana - French Guiana
Short Name: Smalltail shark - Coast of French Guiana to the Orinoco delta GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CCR+eez:GUF;eez:GUY;eez:SUR;eez:VEN Record URL:...-
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