Traceability Unit
Short Name: American lobster | Southern New England/Mid Atlantic | US. New England S.& Mid Atlantic | United States | Pots - American lobster - Southern New England/Mid...
Traceability Unit
Short Name: Atlantic herring | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | US and Canada | Canada | Traps - Atlantic herring - Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
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Traceability Unit
Short Name: Atlantic herring | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | US and Canada | United States | Seine nets - Atlantic herring - Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
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Traceability Unit
Short Name: Winter flounder | NW Atlantic Central | Southern New England/Mid Atlantic | United States | Bottom trawls - Winter flounder - NW Atlantic Central
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Traceability Unit
Short Name: Atlantic herring | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | US and Canada | United States | Midwater trawls - Atlantic herring - Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
GRSF Semantic...
Traceability Unit
Short Name: Atlantic herring | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | US and Canada | United States | Traps - Atlantic herring - Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
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