Sardinella aurita - Cape Verde coastal - Sahara coastal
Short Name: Round Sardinella - Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SAA+fao:34.1.3;fao:34.3.1 Record URL:...-
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Palinurus delagoae - South Africa
Short Name: Natal spiny lobster - South Africa Eastern GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SLN+eez:ZAF Record URL:...-
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Sardina pilchardus - Northern Spain
Short Name: Sardine - Northern Spain GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PIL+gfcm:6 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/16025239-9b00-3099-9cb5-e4690f9ec...-
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Sprattus sprattus - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division 27.3.a) - North Sea (Sub...
Short Name: Sprat ICES 3a-4 GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SPR+fao:27.3.a;fao:27.4 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/da474817-e210-3b0f-8bfe-5f632e46f...-
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Pterogymnus laniarius - Indian Ocean, West / 51.8
Short Name: Panga seabream - South Africa Eastern GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PGA+fao:51.8 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/2deb32a7-aca9-3338-bd43-9e84d24af...-
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Solea solea - Eastern English Channel (Division 27.7.d)
Short Name: Sole - Eastern English Channel GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SOL+fao:27.7.d Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/1d84abe4-cdb0-3e11-9a26-47ac8e0eb...-
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Boops boops - Cyprus Island
Short Name: Bogue - Cyprus Island GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BOG+gfcm:25 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/bdd0c670-27ba-3c34-bb03-2b4c44c1b...-
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Gadus morhua - Rockall (Division 27.6.b)
Short Name: Cod - Rockall GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:COD+fao:27.6.b Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/5fb65e0b-3bf7-3363-a2ed-45d269bc8...-
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Molva dypterygia - Irish Sea, West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, Eastern and We...
Short Name: Blue Ling - Faroes Grounds, Rockall and Celtic shelf GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BLI+fao:27.5.b;fao:27.6;fao:27.7 Record URL:...-
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Pseudupeneus prayensis - Atlantic, East central / 34.3.12
Short Name: West African goatfish - Senegal GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:GOA+fao:34.3.12 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/c996d382-8cd3-3c88-be3e-1dfde4c5c...-
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Lutjanidae - Indian Ocean, West / 51.6
Short Name: Snappers - West continental shelf of Madagascar GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SNX+fao:51.6 Record URL:...-
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Penaeidae - Indian Ocean, West / 51.5
Short Name: Prawns - Ungwana bay GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PEZ+fao:51.5 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/315879fe-6933-34c3-8de9-d7b593240...-
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Allocyttus verrucosus - SEAFO division C.1 - SEAFO division D.0 - SEAFO divis...
Short Name: Oreo Dories - South East Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ALL+fao:47.A.0;fao:47.A.1;fao:47.B.0;fao:47.B.1;fao:47.C.0;fao:47.C.1;fao:47.D.0;fao:47.D.1 Record...-
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Argentina silus - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Azores Grounds and Northeast A...
Short Name: Greater argentine - Other areas of Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Istiophorus albicans - Sailfish Western Atlantic
Short Name: Atlantic sailfish - West Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SAI+iccat:SAI_W Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/837bb81c-f508-3c2f-a728-7e457d159...-
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Sphyraenidae - Kenya
Short Name: Mullet, Barracuda and Milkfish - Kenya GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BAZ+eez:KEN Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/c1183318-732c-39f5-9dc4-69060cc09...-
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Sardinella spp - Indian Ocean, West / 51.6
Short Name: Sardinella spp - Comoros GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SIX+fao:51.6 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/a1bcdb6f-93a2-376e-b3c2-451639c5a...-
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Scomberomorus cavalla - Trinidad and Tobago
Short Name: King mackerel - Inshore and offshore areas of Trinidad and Tobago GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:KGM+eez:TTO Record URL:...-
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Strongylocentrotus spp - Grenada
Short Name: Sea urchins - Grenada GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:URC+eez:GRD Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/15bf4765-f609-32b6-8e57-6a929a67b...-
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Leucoraja naevus - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division 27.3.a) - North Sea (Suba...
Short Name: Cuckoo ray - North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:RJN+fao:27.3.a;fao:27.4 Record URL:...-
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