Pleuronectes platessa - Celtic Sea South (Division 27.7.h) - Southwest of Ire...
Short Name: European plaice | SW of Ireland | EU / UK 7hjk | Ireland | Single boat bottom otter trawls - European Plaice VIIh-k GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Limanda limanda - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division...
Short Name: Common dab | North Sea and Skagerrak - Kateggat | Norway | Norway | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Dab - North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat GRSF Semantic... -
Nephrops norvegicus - Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland or as the...
Short Name: Norway lobster | South Minch (FU 12) | EU / UK 6,5b | United Kingdom | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Norway lobster - West of Scotland, South Minch GRSF Semantic... -
Limanda limanda - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Divisi...
Short Name: Common dab | Celtic Sea and English Channel | EU 7b-k | United Kingdom | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Common dab - Celtic Sea and English Channel GRSF Semantic... -
Gadus morhua - Sound (Subdivision 27.3.b.23) - Baltic West of Bornholm (Subdi...
Short Name: Atlantic cod | Baltic sea western | EU 22-24 | Sweden | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Cod - Baltic Sea (western part) GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Lepidopsetta bilineata - FAO DIVISION 67.5.A - FAO DIVISION 67.5.B - Alaska D...
Short Name: Rock sole | Gulf of Alaska | US NPFMC GOA | United States | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Rock sole Queen Charlotte Sound GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Bay of Biscay...
Short Name: Megrim | West and Southwest of Ireland, Bay of Biscay | EU / UK 7 | Ireland | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Megrim - West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, English... -
Nemadactylus macropterus - Eastern half of Southeast Australia - Australian F...
Short Name: Tarakihi | Eastern Australia | Commonwealth Trawl Sector | Australia | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Jackass morwong Eastern half of Southeast Australia GRSF... -
Merluccius capensis - ZAF_CHAKESA - South African Department of Environment, ...
Short Name: Shallow-water Cape hake | South Africa | South Africa | South Africa | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Shallow-water cape hake South Africa GRSF Semantic... -
Pandalus borealis - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.M - Northwest Atlantic Fisheri...
Short Name: Northern prawn | Flemish cap | NAFO 3M | Denmark | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Northern Prawn - Flemish Cap GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Scophthalmus rhombus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Div...
Short Name: Brill | North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, English Channel | EU / UK 3a,4,7d,7e | United Kingdom | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Brill - North Sea, Skagerrak,... -
Lepidorhombus spp - Rockall (Division 27.6.b) - European Commission - East Gr...
Short Name: Megrims nei | Rockall | EU / UK 5b,6,12,14 | Ireland | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Megrim - Rockall GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Aristaeomorpha foliacea - Mozambique - Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fis...
Short Name: Giant red shrimp | Mozambique | Mozambique | Mozambique | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Giant red shrimp - Mozambique GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.0 - Atlantic, Northwe...
Short Name: Greenland halibut | Baffin Island & W Greenland offshore | Greenland 1A offshore, 1B-1F | Germany | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Greenland halibut - Baffin... -
Metapenaeus endeavouri - Northern Prawn Fishery - Australian Fisheries Manage...
Short Name: Endeavour shrimp | Northeastern Australia | Northern Prawn Fishery | Australia | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Endeavour shrimp - Northeastern Australia GRSF... -
Pleuronectes platessa - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak (Subdivision 27....
Short Name: European plaice | North Sea and Skagerrak | EU / Norway / UK | Denmark | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Plaice - North Sea and Skagerrak GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Platycephalus richardsoni - Tiger flathead Southeast Australia Stock Assessme...
Short Name: Tiger flathead | Southeastern Australia | Inshore Trawl Fishery | Australia | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Tiger flathead Southeast Australia GRSF Semantic... -
Merlangius merlangus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Eastern English Channel (Di...
Short Name: Whiting | North Sea and Eastern English Channel | EU/Norway/UK 2a,4 | Norway | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Whiting - North Sea, Eastern English Channel GRSF... -
Sebastolobus altivelis - Pacific - Groundfish EFH - Pacific Fishery Managemen...
Short Name: Longspine thornyhead | US west coast | US west coast | United States | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Longspine thornyhead Pacific Coast GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Pandalus borealis - Canadian Shrimp Fishing Area SFA 6 - Department of Fisher...
Short Name: Northern prawn | S Labrador & N Newfoundland | Canada SFA 6 | Canada | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Northern prawn - S Labrador & N Newfoundland GRSF...