Merluccius paradoxus - South coast of South Africa assessment area - West coa...
Short Name: Deep-water cape hake South Africa GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HKO+grsf:zaf_sc;grsf:zaf_wc Record URL:...-
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Pandalus borealis - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.N - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3...
Short Name: Northern Prawn - Grand Bank GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PRA+fao:21.3.L;fao:21.3.N;fao:21.3.O Record URL:...-
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Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - Japan High Seas Pink Hatchery
Short Name: Pink Salmon Japan High Seas catch pink hatchery GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PIN+grsf:Japan_FAJ_HSPH Record URL:...-
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Jasus lalandii - Subarea Mozambique
Short Name: West coast rock lobster South Africa Area 8 GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:LBC+fao:51.8 Record URL:...-
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Lithodes aequispina - USA_ADFG_KC_O_w
Short Name: Golden king crab Aleutian Islands Western segment GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:KAQ+grsf:USA_ADFG_KC_O_w Record URL:...-
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Phycis blennoides - Atlantic, Northeast
Short Name: Greater forkbeard - Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:GFB+fao:27 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/dc9bb54c-ed72-3f84-b301-2bca7fa64...-
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Pagrus caeruleostictus - Atlantic, East central / 34.1.32 - Atlantic, East ce...
Short Name: Bluespotted seabream - Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BSC+fao:34.1.32;fao:34.3.11;fao:34.3.12 Record URL:...-
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Cancer irroratus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.T
Short Name: Rock crab Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CRK+fao:21.4.T Record URL:...-
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Solea solea - North Sea (Subarea 27.4)
Short Name: Sole - North Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SOL+fao:27.4 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/ff77592f-b642-3cd6-abed-7d0794c2c...-
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Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - Pacific, Northeast - USA_NPFMC_PinkSalmon_EFH_whalep...
Short Name: Pink Salmon Whale Pe (District106) GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PIN+fao:61;fao:67;fao:77;grsf:USA_NPFMC_PinkSalmon_EFH_whalep Record URL:...-
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Sebastes nebulosus - China rockfish Pacific central assessment area
Short Name: China rockfish Central Pacific Coast GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:RVN+grsf:USA_PFMC_Groundfish_EFH_RVNcpc Record URL:...-
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Oncorhynchus nerka - Sockeye salmon Late Stuart
Short Name: Sockeye Salmon Late Stuart GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SOC+grsf:Canada_DFO_LSTUART Record URL:...-
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Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - Pacific, Northeast - USA_NPFMC_PinkSalmon_EFH_moira ...
Short Name: Pink Salmon Moira (District102) GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PIN+fao:61;fao:67;fao:77;grsf:USA_NPFMC_PinkSalmon_EFH_moira Record URL:...-
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Engraulis encrasicolus - Southern Adriatic
Short Name: Anchovy - Southern Adriatic Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ANE+gfcm:18 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/8655e3f9-097d-3666-b616-01a5bff0a...-
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Sebastes mentella - Fisheries and Oceans Redfish Stock Assessment Units - Fis...
Short Name: Beaked redfish - Gulf of St. Lawrence & Laurentian Channel GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:REB+can_dfo_rsau:1;can_dfo_rsau:2 Record URL:...-
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Oncorhynchus nerka - USA_NPFMC_SockeyeSalmon_EFH_igushik - Pacific, Northeast...
Short Name: Sockeye Salmon Igushik GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SOC+fao:61;fao:67;fao:77;grsf:USA_NPFMC_SockeyeSalmon_EFH_igushik Record URL:...-
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Kajikia audax - Striped marlin Western and Central North Pacific assessment area
Short Name: Striped marlin Western and Central North Pacific GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MLS+grsf:ISC-STMARLINWCNPAC-1951-2010-CHING Record URL:...-
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Salmo salar - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Azores Grounds and Northeast Atlan...
Short Name: Salmon - Northeast Atlantic and Arctic Ocean GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Anoplopoma fimbria - North Pacific - Sablefish (Aleutian Islands) EFH - North...
Short Name: Sablefish Eastern Bering Sea / Aleutian Islands / Gulf of Alaska GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Oncorhynchus keta - Pacific, Northeast - Pacific, Northwest - USA_NPFMC_ChumS...
Short Name: Chum Salmon Andreafsky River GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CHU+fao:61;fao:67;fao:77;grsf:USA_NPFMC_ChumSalmon_EFH_andrear Record URL:...-
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