2,890 records found

Groups: FishSource

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  • Fishing Unit

    Micromesistius poutassou - Irish Sea, West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, Easter...

    Short Name: Blue whiting | NE Atlantic | EU/Faroe Islands/Iceland/Norway/NEAFC 1-7,8ab,8de,12,14/UK | United Kingdom | Purse seines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Lithodes aequispina - Northern Sea of Okhotsk Subzone - Russian Federal Fishe...

    Short Name: Golden king crab | North Okhotsk | Russia N Sea of Okhotsk | Russian Federation | Pots GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Pandalus borealis - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Directorate of Fis...

    Short Name: Northern prawn | Barents Sea | Norway | Denmark | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PRA+fao:27.1+authority:NAT:NOR+iso3:DNK+isscfg:03.19 Record URL:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Lophius vomerinus - Namibia - Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resou...

    Short Name: Devil anglerfish | Namibia | Namibia | Namibia | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MVO+wja:NAM+authority:NAT:NAM+iso3:NAM+isscfg:03.19 Record URL:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Katsuwonus pelamis - Western Central Pacific Skipjack Tuna - Western and Cent...

    Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Micronesia, Federated States of | Purse seines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus alalunga - North Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...

    Short Name: Albacore | North Pacific | IATTC | Mexico | Purse seines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ALB+iattc:NPO+authority:INT:IATTC+iso3:MEX+isscfg:01.1 Record URL:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Aldrichetta forsteri - Marine Scalefish Fishery - Australian Fisheries Manage...

    Short Name: Yellow-eye mullet | South Australia | Marine Scalefish Fishery | Australia | Miscellaneous GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Octopus vulgaris - Mauritania - Mauritania Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime...

    Short Name: Common octopus | Cape Blanc | Mauritania | Mauritania | Traps GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:OCC+wja:MRT+authority:NAT:MRT+iso3:MRT+isscfg:08.9 Record URL:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Sardinella maderensis - Senegal - Senegal Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime ...

    Short Name: Madeiran Sardinella | NW Africa | Senegal | Senegal | Beach seines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SAE+wja:SEN+authority:NAT:SEN+iso3:SEN+isscfg:02.1 Record URL:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Penaeus esculentus - East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery - Australian Fisheries Ma...

    Short Name: Brown tiger prawn | Eastern Australia | East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery | Australia | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Solea solea - Irish Sea (Division 27.7.a) - European Commission - Belgium - B...

    Short Name: Common sole | Irish Sea | EU / UK 7a | Belgium | Beam trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SOL+fao:27.7.a+authority:INT:EC+iso3:BEL+isscfg:03.11 Record URL:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Argentina silus - Irish Sea, West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, Eastern and Wes...

    Short Name: Greater argentine | Faroes Grounds and West of Scotland | EU / UK 5,6,7 | Faroe Islands | Midwater pair trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Ammodytes spp - Sandeel area 1r - European Commission - Germany - Small mesh ...

    Short Name: Sandeels nei | Dogger Bank area | EU/UK SA 1r | Germany | Small mesh bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SAN+ices_sa:1r+authority:INT:EC+iso3:DEU+sfp:SFP-1...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack tuna Western Atlantic - International Commissio...

    Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Western Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Spain | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Solea solea - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Norwegian Sea (Division 27.2.a) - Eu...

    Short Name: Common sole | North Sea | EU / Norway / UK 4,2a | Belgium | Beam trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Melanogrammus aeglefinus - 99000042 - European Commission - Department for En...

    Short Name: Haddock | Southern Celtic Seas and English Channel | EU / UK 7b-k, 8-10,34.1.1 | United Kingdom | Scottish seines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Macruronus novaezelandiae - SESS Commonwealth Trawl Sector - Australian Fishe...

    Short Name: Blue grenadier | Commonwealth Trawl Sector | Commonwealth Trawl Sector | Australia | Midwater trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Zeus faber - Quota Management Area JDO1 - New Zealand Ministry for Primary In...

    Short Name: John dory | Bay of Plenty | North-east JDO 1 | New Zealand | Danish seines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:JOD+nzl_qma:JDO1+authority:NAT:NZL+iso3:NZL+sfp:SFP-8...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - Directorate of Fisheries, St. H...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | Saint Helena | Saint Helena | Pole-lines hand operated GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus alalunga - IOTC - Indian Ocean Tuna Commission - Spain - Purse seines

    Short Name: Albacore | Indian Ocean | IOTC | Spain | Purse seines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ALB+rfb:IOTC+authority:INT:IOTC+iso3:ESP+isscfg:01.1 Record URL:...
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