419 records found

Tags: Code 21 System fao Name Atlantic Northwest

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  • Fishing Unit

    Placopecten magellanicus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.C - Atlantic, Northwest...

    Short Name: American sea scallop | US Atlantic | Mid-Atlantic Bight | Mid-Atlantic and Georges Bank | United States | Towed dredges GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Penaeus aztecus - North Carolina - North Carolina Division of Marine Fisherie...

    Short Name: Northern brown shrimp | NW Atlantic | North Carolina | United States | Stow nets GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ABS+usa_sw:NC+authority:NAT:USA+iso3:USA+isscfg:08.4...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Mercenaria mercenaria - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.S - Atlantic, Northwest / ...

    Short Name: Northern quahog | Gulf of St Lawrence | Canada St Lawrence | Canada 4RST | Canada | Miscellaneous GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Cyclopterus lumpus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.F - Atlantic, Northwest / 21....

    Short Name: Lumpfish | Greenland waters | Greenland, Divisions 1A-1F | Greenland | Gillnets and entangling nets GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Belize | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:BLZ+sfp:SFP-16...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Clupea harengus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.T - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V...

    Short Name: Atlantic herring | S Gulf of St. Lawrence fall spawners | S Gulf of St. Lawrence fall spawners | Canada | Gillnets and entangling nets GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Turkey | Hooks and lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:TUR+isscfg:09.9 Record...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Homarus americanus - Canadian Lobster Fishing Area 24 - Canadian Lobster Fish...

    Short Name: American lobster | Gulf of St. Lawrence South | Canada LFAs 23-26A,B | Canada | Pots GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Suriname | Drifting longlines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:SUR+isscfg:09.32...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Libya | Hooks and lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:LBY+isscfg:09.9 Record...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Sierra Leone | Hooks and lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:SLE+isscfg:09.9...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Pandalus montagui - Canadian Shrimp Fishing Area SFA 4 - Department of Fisher...

    Short Name: Aesop shrimp | SFA 4 | SFA 4 | Canada | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:AES+can_dfo_sfa_shp:4+authority:NAT:CAN+iso3:CAN+isscfg:03.12...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Mactromeris polynyma - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.N - Atlantic, Northwest / 2...

    Short Name: Arctic surfclam | NW Atlantic | Grand Bank (Newfoundland) | Canada 3LNO | Canada | Mechanized dredges GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Sebastes spp - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.M - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Or...

    Short Name: Atlantic redfishes nei | Flemish cap | NAFO 3M | Spain | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Hippoglossus hippoglossus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Y - Atlantic, Northwes...

    Short Name: Atlantic halibut | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | United States | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Ghana | Associated purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:GHA+sfp:SFP-15...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Glyptocephalus cynoglossus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P.s - Department of F...

    Short Name: Witch flounder | St. Pierre and Miquelon | NAFO 3Ps | Canada | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:WIT+fao:21.3.P.s+authority:NAT:CAN+iso3:CAN+isscfg:03.19...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Pandalus borealis - Canadian Shrimp Fishing Area SFA 14 - Canadian Shrimp Fis...

    Short Name: Northern prawn | E Scotian Shelf | Canada SFAs 13-15 | Canada | Traps GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Gadus morhua - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.K - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.2.J - ...

    Short Name: Atlantic cod | Newfoundland | Canada/NAFO 2J3KL | Canada | Mechanized lines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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  • Fishing Unit

    Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...

    Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Cape Verde | Associated purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...
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