Clupea harengus - Gulf of Finland (Subdivision 27.3.d.32) - Southern Central ...
Short Name: Atlantic herring | Baltic Sea Central | EU 25-29, 32 | Germany | Midwater trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Micromesistius poutassou - Irish Sea, West of Ireland, Porcupine Bank, Easter...
Short Name: Blue whiting | NE Atlantic | EU/Faroe Islands/Iceland/Norway/NEAFC 1-7,8ab,8de,12,14/UK | Norway | Midwater trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Vietnam Mini...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | Viet Nam | Viet Nam | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Ammodytes spp - Sandeel area 1r - European Commission - United Kingdom - Smal...
Short Name: Sandeels nei | Dogger Bank area | EU/UK SA 1r | United Kingdom | Small mesh bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Sardinella maderensis - Mauritania - Mauritania Ministry of Fisheries and Mar...
Short Name: Madeiran Sardinella | NW Africa | Mauritania | Turkey | Purse seines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SAE+wja:MRT+authority:NAT:MRT+iso3:TUR+isscfg:01.1 Record URL:... -
Scomber scombrus - Faeroe - Faroese Ministry of Fisheries - Faroe Islands - M...
Short Name: Atlantic mackerel | NE Atlantic | Faroe Islands | Faroe Islands | Midwater trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MAC+wja:FRO+authority:NAT:FRO+iso3:FRO+isscfg:03.29...-
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Melanogrammus aeglefinus - Irish Sea (Division 27.7.a) - European Commission ...
Short Name: Haddock | Irish Sea | EU/UK 7a | Ireland | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HAD+fao:27.7.a+authority:INT:EC+iso3:IRL+isscfg:03.12... -
Thunnus obesus - Bigeye tuna Atlantic - Directorate of Fisheries, St. Helena ...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Atlantic Ocean | Saint Helena | Saint Helena | Hooks and lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BET+iccat:BET_ATL+authority:NAT:SHN+iso3:SHN+isscfg:09.9...-
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Katsuwonus pelamis - Western Central Pacific Skipjack Tuna - Western and Cent...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Tokelau | Longlines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Sprattus sprattus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - European Commission - Norway -...
Short Name: European sprat | North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat | EU 4 | Norway | Midwater trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Scomberomorus commerson - Mackerel Managed Fishery - Western Australia Depart...
Short Name: Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel | Western Australia | Mackerel Managed Fishery | Australia | Trolling lines GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Lutjanus campechanus - Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council - US Gulf of...
Short Name: Northern red snapper | Northern Gulf of Mexico | US Gulf of Mexico | United States | Handlines hand operated GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Gadus morhua - Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland or as the West o...
Short Name: Atlantic cod | W of Scotland | EU / UK 6a,5b | Norway | Set longlines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Nototodarus sloanii - Kermadec - NZ Ministry for Primary Industries - New Zea...
Short Name: Wellington flying squid | Kermadec | NZ Kermadec (SQU10T) | New Zealand | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Pleuronectes platessa - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak (Subdivision 27....
Short Name: European plaice | North Sea and Skagerrak | EU / Norway / UK | United Kingdom | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Brazil | Drifting longlines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iccat:YFT_ATL+authority:INT:ICCAT+iso3:BRA+isscfg:09.32...-
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Pollachius virens - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division 27.3.a) - North Sea (Sub...
Short Name: Saithe | North Sea, Skagerrak, west of Scotland and the Rockall | EU/ Norway/ UK 2a,3a,4 | Denmark | Set gillnets (anchored) GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Portunus pelagicus - Philippines FMA 11 - Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and...
Short Name: Blue swimming crab | Western Visayan Sea | Philippines FMA 11 | Philippines | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Katsuwonus pelamis - Eastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Com...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Eastern Pacific Ocean | IATTC | Nicaragua | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Sebastes mentella - Barents Sea Non-NEAFC Regulatory Area (Division 27.1.b) -...
Short Name: Beaked redfish | Northeast Arctic | Russia/Norway | Germany | Midwater trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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