Molva molva - Iceland Grounds (Division 27.5.a) - Icelandic Directorate of Fi...
Short Name: Ling | Icelandic | Iceland 5a | Iceland | Longlines - Ling - Iceland Grounds GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Sebastes mentella - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen, ...
Short Name: Beaked redfish | Northeast Arctic | NEAFC | Lithuania | Midwater trawls - Pelagic Redfish - Barents and Norwegian Seas GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack tuna Eastern Atlantic - International Commissio...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Eastern Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Ghana | FAD-free purse seining - Skipjack tuna - East Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Solea solea - Eastern English Channel (Division 27.7.d) - European Commission...
Short Name: Common sole | Eastern English Channel | EU / UK 7d | United Kingdom | Set gillnets (anchored) - Sole - Eastern English Channel GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Scomber scombrus - West of Bay of Biscay (Division 27.8.e) - Skagerrak and Ka...
Short Name: Atlantic mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,3a,3b,3c,3d,4 | Belgium | Midwater trawls - Mackerel ICES Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Pollachius virens - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen, ...
Short Name: Saithe | Barents Sea | Russia/Norway | Norway | Bottom trawls - Saithe - Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen and Bear Island GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack tuna Western Atlantic - International Commissio...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Western Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Panama | FAD-free purse seining - Skipjack tuna - West Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Canada | Drifting longlines - Yellowfin tuna - Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus alalunga - North Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...
Short Name: Albacore | North Pacific | IATTC | Japan | FAD-free purse seining - Albacore - Northern Pacific GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus obesus - Eastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Eastern Pacific Ocean | IATTC | United States | Longlines - Bigeye tuna - Eastern Pacific (EPO) GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus obesus - Eastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Eastern Pacific Ocean | IATTC | United States | Associated purse seining - Bigeye tuna - Eastern Pacific (EPO) GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Scomber scombrus - West of Bay of Biscay (Division 27.8.e) - Skagerrak and Ka...
Short Name: Atlantic mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 6,7,8a,8b,8d,8e,5b, 2a,12,14 | Sweden | Purse seines - Mackerel ICES Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Melanogrammus aeglefinus - Iceland Grounds (Division 27.5.a) - Icelandic Mini...
Short Name: Haddock | Icelandic | Icelandic | Iceland | Longlines - Icelandic Haddock - Icelandic grounds GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus obesus - Yellowfin tuna Atlantic - White marlin Atlantic - Blue marli...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT Atlantic | Canada | Longlines - Bigeye tuna - Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus alalunga - Indian Ocean, Western - Indian Ocean, Eastern - Indian Oce...
Short Name: Albacore | Indian Ocean | IOTC | Mozambique | Pole-lines hand operated - Albacore - Indian Ocean GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus albacares - Eastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Comm...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Eastern Pacific Ocean | IATTC | Mexico | Purse seines - Yellowfin tuna - Eastern Pacific GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Engraulis encrasicolus - Atlantic, East central / 34.1.11 - Atlantic, East ce...
Short Name: European anchovy | NW Africa | Morocco | Morocco | Purse seines - European anchovy - Morocco and Mauritania GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack tuna Eastern Atlantic - International Commissio...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Eastern Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | France | Pole-lines mechanized - Skipjack tuna - East Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Scomber scombrus - West of Bay of Biscay (Division 27.8.e) - Skagerrak and Ka...
Short Name: Atlantic mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 6,7,8a,8b,8d,8e,5b, 2a,12,14 | Lithuania | Midwater trawls - Mackerel ICES Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Sebastes mentella - East Greenland (Subarea 27.14) - Atlantic, Northwest / 21...
Short Name: Beaked redfish | Irminger Sea deep pelagic | NEAFC and NAFO Regulatory Areas | Latvia | Midwater trawls - Beaked redfish - Iceland and Faroe grounds, North of...