Lepidorhombus spp - Northern North Sea (Division 27.4.a) - Northwest Coast of...
Short Name: Megrims nei | northern North Sea, West of Scotland | EU / UK 2a,4 | United Kingdom | Bottom trawls - Megrim - Northern North Sea and West of Scotland GRSF Semantic... -
Isurus oxyrinchus - North Pacific Ocean Shortfin Mako - Inter-American Tropic...
Short Name: Shortfin mako | North Pacific | IATTC | Costa Rica | Drifting longlines - Shortfin mako - North Pacific GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Melanogrammus aeglefinus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak (Subdivision ...
Short Name: Haddock | North Sea, West of Scotland and Skagerrak | EU /Norway 3a (subdivision 20) | Denmark | Bottom trawls - Haddock - North Sea, Skagerrak and West of Scotland... -
Clupea harengus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V.n - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4...
Short Name: Atlantic herring | S Gulf of St. Lawrence Spring spawners | S Gulf of St. Lawrence Spring spawners | Canada | Gillnets and entangling nets - Atlantic herring - S... -
Sardina pilchardus - Portuguese Waters - East (Division 27.9.a) - Bay of Bisc...
Short Name: European pilchard | Cantabrian Sea and Atlantic Iberian waters | Portugal / Spain / EU 8c-9a | Portugal | Purse seines - Sardine - Bay of Biscay and Iberian Basin... -
Sardinella aurita - Small Pelagics CECAF area North - Cape Spartel to Safi - ...
Short Name: Round sardinella | NW Africa | Gambia | Senegal | Beach seines - Round sardinella - NW Africa GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Western and ...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Spain | FAD-free purse seining - Yellowfin tuna - Western and Central Pacific Ocean GRSF Semantic... -
Ammodytes spp - Northern North Sea (Division 27.4.a) - Skagerrak (Subdivision...
Short Name: Sandeels nei | Central Eastern North Sea | EU/UK North Sea SA 3r | Sweden | Small mesh bottom trawls - Sandeel - Skagerrak, Northern and Central North Sea (Sandeel... -
Pleuronectes platessa - East of Gotland or Gulf of Riga (Subdivision 27.3.d.2...
Short Name: European plaice | Baltic Sea | EU 22-32 | Poland | Gillnets and entangling nets - Plaice - Baltic Sea (excluding the Sound and Belt Sea) GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Scomber australasicus - maa_pjpn - North Pacific Fisheries Commission - NPFC ...
Short Name: Blue mackerel | Japanese Pacific | NPFC | Japan | Bottom trawls - Spotted mackerel Pacific Coast of Japan GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Nephrops norvegicus - Skagerrak - Kattegat - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division...
Short Name: Norway lobster | Skagerrak and Kattegat (FU 3-4) | EU 3a | Denmark | Traps - Norway lobster - Baltic Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Paralithodes camtschaticus - West Kamchatka Subzone - Kamchatka-Kuril Subzone...
Short Name: Red king crab | Western Kamchatka - Kurils | Russia Kamchatka-Kurils | Russian Federation | Pots - Red king crab - Western Kamchatka GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Lutjanus spp - Laut Flores WPP 713 - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisherie...
Short Name: Snappers nei | Makassar Strait - Flores Sea | Makassar Strait - Flores Sea (WPP-713) | Indonesia | Handlines hand operated - Snappers nei - Makassar Strait - Flores... -
Thunnus albacares - Yellowfin Tuna Atlantic - International Commission for th...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Côte D'ivoire | Longlines - Yellowfin tuna - Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Ammodytes spp - Sandeel Area 4 - Northern North Sea (Division 27.4.a) - Centr...
Short Name: Sandeels nei | Northern and Central North Sea | EU / UK North Sea SA 4 | Denmark | Small mesh bottom trawls - Sandeel - Northern and Central North Sea (Sandeel Area... -
Sebastes mentella - East Greenland (Subarea 27.14) - Atlantic, Northwest / 21...
Short Name: Beaked redfish | Irminger Sea deep pelagic | NEAFC and NAFO Regulatory Areas | Spain | Midwater trawls - Beaked redfish - Iceland and Faroe grounds, North of Azores,... -
Lophius vomerinus - South coast of South Africa assessment area - South Afric...
Short Name: Devil anglerfish | South Africa | Southern South Atlantic and Indian Ocean | South Africa | Bottom trawls - Devil anglerfish South Africa South coast GRSF Semantic... -
Gadus morhua - Northwest Coast of Scotland and North Ireland or as the West o...
Short Name: Atlantic cod | W of Scotland | EU / UK 6a,5b | Norway | Set longlines - Atlantic cod - W of Scotland GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus obesus - Western and Central Pacific Bigeye Tuna - Western and Centra...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Taiwan, Province of China | Associated purse seining - Bigeye tuna - Western and Central Pacific GRSF... -
Thunnus obesus - Western and Central Pacific Bigeye Tuna - Western and Centra...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Papua New Guinea | FAD-free purse seining - Bigeye tuna - Western and Central Pacific GRSF Semantic...