693 records found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 Groups: FishSource

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  • Assessment Unit

    Clupea harengus - Irish Sea (Division 27.7.a)

    Short Name: Herring Northern Irish Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HER+fao:27.7.a Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/2385345a-803c-3006-9f76-b4484ff8d...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Loligo vulgaris - Atlantic, East central / 34.1.32 - Atlantic, East central /...

    Short Name: European squid - Dakhla stock (26°N - 21°N) GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SQR+fao:34.1.31;fao:34.1.32 Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Sprattus fuegensis - Aysén

    Short Name: Falkland sprat - Aysén Region GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:FAS+chl:XI Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/346c905a-eb34-39b9-9611-32379906b...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Ophiodon elongatus - Canada Pacific Groundfish Management Area PMFC 5E - Cana...

    Short Name: Lingcod - Hecate Strait and W coast of Queen Charlotte Islands GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CLI+can_dfo_pgma:5C;can_dfo_pgma:5D;can_dfo_pgma:5E Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Macruronus novaezelandiae - Western New Zealand

    Short Name: Hoki Western New Zealand; Blue grenadier - New Zealand Western GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:GRN+grsf:NZL_HOK1W Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Homarus americanus - Canadian Lobster Fishing Area 35 - Canadian Lobster Fish...

    Short Name: American lobster - Bay of Fundy GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:LBA+can_dfo_lfa:35;can_dfo_lfa:36;can_dfo_lfa:38 Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Nephrops norvegicus - Off Horn's Reef - Central North Sea (Division 27.4.b)

    Short Name: Norway lobster - off Horn's Reef GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:NEP+fao:27.4.b;ices_fu_nep:33 Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Ophiodon elongatus - Canada Pacific Groundfish Management Area PMFC 5B - Cana...

    Short Name: Lingcod - Queen Charlotte Sound GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CLI+can_dfo_pgma:5A;can_dfo_pgma:5B Record URL:...
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  • Marine Resource

    Microstomus kitt - Western English Channel (Division 27.7.e)

    Short Name: Lemon sole - Western English Channel GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:LEM+fao:27.7.e Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Lutjanus spp - Laut Banda WPP714

    Short Name: Snappers nei - Tolo Bay and Banda Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SNA+idn_wpp:714 Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Aldrichetta forsteri - Marine Scalefish Fishery - Lakes and Coorong fishery

    Short Name: Yellow-eye mullet - Southern Australia GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MAD+aus_sa_cf:LCF;aus_sa_cf:MSF Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Sebastes mentella - Southeast Greenland (Division 27.14.b)

    Short Name: Beaked Redfish Southeast Greenland GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:REB+fao:27.14.b Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/76e55778-048d-3752-9d52-96853aa67...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Hippoglossoides platessoides - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.N - Atlantic, North...

    Short Name: American Plaice - Grand Bank GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PLA+fao:21.3.L;fao:21.3.N;fao:21.3.O Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Sebastes diploproa - Pacific - Groundfish EFH

    Short Name: Splitnose Rockfish Pacific Coast GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SFD+usa_efh_pfmc:Groundfish Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Gadus chalcogrammus - Kamchatka-Kuril Subzone - West Kamchatka Subzone - Nort...

    Short Name: Alaska pollock - Sea of Okhotsk GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ALK+rus:61.05.1;rus:61.05.2;rus:61.05.4 Record URL:...
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  • Marine Resource

    Clupea harengus - Bristol Channel (Division 27.7.f) - Western English Channel...

    Short Name: Atlantic herring - English and Bristol Channels GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HER+fao:27.7.e;fao:27.7.f Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Clupea harengus - Celtic Sea South (Division 27.7.h) - Celtic Sea North (Divi...

    Short Name: Herring - Irish Sea South of 52°30’N, Celtic Sea and Southwest of Ireland GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HER+fao:27.7.a;fao:27.7.g;fao:27.7.h;fao:27.7.j;fao:27.7.k...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Lutjanus spp - Laut Flores WPP 713

    Short Name: Snappers nei - Makassar Strait - Flores Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SNA+idn_wpp:713 Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Metapenaeus endeavouri - Exmouth Gulf Prawn managed Fishery

    Short Name: Endeavour shrimp - Western Australia GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ENS+aus_wa_pmf:EGPMF Record URL:...
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  • Assessment Unit

    Merluccius gayi gayi - Pacific, Southeast / 87.1.23 - Pacific, Southeast / 87...

    Short Name: South Pacific hake - Peruvian GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PHA+fao:87.1.13;fao:87.1.14;fao:87.1.15;fao:87.1.23;fao:87.1.24;fao:87.1.4 Record URL:...
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