Chionoecetes opilio - Canadian Atlantic Snow Crab Fishing Area 7 - Canadian A...
Short Name: Queen crab - Canadian Atlantic Snow Crab Fishing Area 1-10, 12 GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Merluccius merluccius - Eastern Ionian
Short Name: Hake Eastern Ionian Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HKE+gfcm:20 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/7d200fab-d334-3869-b9fc-40fc5a7ce...-
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Lutjanus synagris - North East Cuba
Short Name: Lane snapper - North East Cuba (Biajaiba, Nororiental) GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SNL+cub_mip_sfmz:NE Record URL:... -
Lepidopus caudatus - Western Ionian
Short Name: Silver scabbardfish - Western Ionian GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SFS+gfcm:19 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/c796198c-6b10-309b-b08b-9ad5c15ff... -
Chelidonichthys cuculus - Bay of Biscay (Subarea 27.8) - Irish Sea, West of I...
Short Name: Red gurnard - Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:GUR+fao:27.3;fao:27.4;fao:27.5;fao:27.6;fao:27.7;fao:27.8 Record URL:...-
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Urophycis tenuis - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.N - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.O
Short Name: White hake - Southern Grand Bank GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HKW+fao:21.3.N;fao:21.3.O Record URL:...-
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Mycteroperca interstitialis - Bonaire
Short Name: Yellowmouth grouper - Bonaire GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MKN+wja:BES Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/7f701f56-2b41-347f-b4b2-c1951507b... -
Scomber australasicus - Small Pelagic Fishery East
Short Name: Blue mackerel - Eastern Australia GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MAA+aus_cwf:SPF_E Record URL:...-
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Lutjanus analis - North West Cuba
Short Name: Mutton snapper - North West Cuba (Pargo criollo, Noroccidental) GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:LJN+cub_mip_sfmz:nw Record URL:... -
Melanogrammus aeglefinus - Skagerrak (Subdivision 27.3.a.20) - North Sea (Sub...
Short Name: Haddock - North Sea, Skagerrak and West of Scotland GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:HAD+fao:27.3.a.20;fao:27.4;fao:27.6.a Record URL:...-
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Placopecten magellanicus - Canadian Scallop Fishing Area SFA 27
Short Name: American sea scallop - Canadian Scallop Fishing Area SFA 27 GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SCA+can_dfo_sfa_sca:27 Record URL:... -
Sepia officinalis - Cyprus Island
Short Name: Common cuttlefish - Cyprus Island GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:CTC+gfcm:25 Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/587a7bff-8ece-3698-bb9a-da6fb71b3... -
Ammodytes spp - Skagerrak (Subdivision 27.3.a.20) - Sandeel area 3r - Central...
Short Name: Sandeel - Skagerrak, Northern and Central North Sea (Sandeel Area 3r) GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SAN+fao:27.3.a.20;fao:27.4.a;fao:27.4.b;ices_sa:3r Record URL:...-
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Clupea harengus - Sound (Subdivision 27.3.b.23) - Skagerrak (Subdivision 27.3...
Short Name: Herring - Skagerrak, Kattegat, Sound and Belt Sea, Baltic West of Bornholm GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis - Bay of Biscay - South (Division 27.8.c) - Portug...
Short Name: Megrim - Bay of Biscay South and Portuguese Waters East GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MEG+fao:27.8.c;fao:27.9.a Record URL:...-
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Nemipterus bipunctatus - Qatar National Jurisdiction Area
Short Name: Delagoa threadfin bream - Qatar GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:KZJ+eez:qat Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/7295e807-e9b3-3b54-b8ae-5e845022e...-
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Mycteroperca venenosa - Saba
Short Name: Yellowfin grouper - Saba Bank GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:MKV+wja:BES_SBA Record URL: https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/GRSF/340e4278-75e6-324b-a419-4e9dfb3d3... -
Palinurus gilchristi - South Africa Lobster assessment area
Short Name: Southern spiny lobster South Africa South coast GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SLS+grsf:zaf_sls Record URL:...-
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Coregonus spp - Gulf of Finland (Subdivision 27.3.d.32) - Bothnian Bay (Subdi...
Short Name: Coregonus spp - Archipelago Sea (Subdivision 27.3.d.29), Bothnian Sea (Subdivision 27.3.d.30), Bothnian Bay (Subdivision 27.3.d.31), Gulf of Finland (Subdivision... -
Nephrops norvegicus - Ligurian and North Tirrenian Sea
Short Name: Norway lobster - Ligurian and North Tyrrhenian Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:NEP+gfcm:9 Record URL:...-
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