Thunnus alalunga - IOTC - Indian Ocean Tuna Commission - Thailand - Longlines...
Short Name: Albacore | Indian Ocean | IOTC | Thailand | Longlines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ALB+rfb:IOTC+authority:INT:IOTC+iso3:THA+isscfg:09.39 Record URL:...-
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Limanda ferruginea - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.N - Atlantic, Northwest / 21....
Short Name: Yellowtail flounder | Newfoundland Grand Banks | NAFO 3LNO | United States | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Western and ...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Nauru | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Pollachius virens - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen, ...
Short Name: Saithe | Barents Sea | Russia/Norway | Norway | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Thunnus albacares - Eastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Comm...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Eastern Pacific Ocean | IATTC | Peru | Trolling lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:YFT+iattc:EPO+authority:INT:IATTC+iso3:PER+isscfg:09.5 Record...-
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Thunnus alalunga - North Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...
Short Name: Albacore | North Pacific | IATTC | United States | Hooks and lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:ALB+iattc:NPO+authority:INT:IATTC+iso3:USA+isscfg:09.9 Record URL:...-
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Gadus macrocephalus - West Bering Sea Zone - Russian Federal Fisheries Agency...
Short Name: Pacific cod | Western Bering Sea – Chukotsky | Russia Chukotsky | Russian Federation | Danish seines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Penaeus vannamei - Pacific, Southeast / 87.1.22 - Pacific, Southeast / 87.1.1...
Short Name: Whiteleg shrimp | Ecuador | Ecuador artisanal | Ecuador | Pushnets GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:PNV+fao:87.1.12;fao:87.1.22+authority:NAT:ECU+iso3:ECU+isscfg:10.5...-
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Xiphias gladius - Southeastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna C...
Short Name: Swordfish | Southeast Pacific | IATTC | Korea, Republic of | Hooks and lines GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:SWO+iattc:SEPO+authority:INT:IATTC+iso3:KOR+isscfg:09.9...-
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Thunnus obesus - Eastern Pacific Ocean - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiss...
Short Name: Bigeye tuna | Eastern Pacific Ocean | IATTC | Colombia | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier: asfis:BET+iattc:EPO+authority:INT:IATTC+iso3:COL+sfp:SFP-16...-
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Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Western and ...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Cook Islands | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Western and ...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | WCPFC | Fiji | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Hippoglossus hippoglossus - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V - Atlantic, Northwes...
Short Name: Atlantic halibut | Scotian Shelf and Southern Grand Banks | Canada 3NOPs4VWX5Zc | Canada | Handlines hand operated GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Gadus morhua - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.X - 21.5.Yb - Department of Fisheri...
Short Name: Atlantic cod | S Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy | Canada 4X5Yb | Canada | Bottom trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Auxis rochei - Philippines FMA 4 - Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquati...
Short Name: Bullet tuna | Philippines FMA 4 | Philippines FMA 4 | Philippines | Pole-lines hand operated GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Nephrops norvegicus - Faroes Grounds (Division 27.5.b) - Rockall, Northwest C...
Short Name: Norway lobster | South Minch (FU 12) | EU / UK 6,5b | United Kingdom | Single boat bottom otter trawls GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Katsuwonus pelamis - Skipjack tuna Eastern Atlantic - International Commissio...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Eastern Atlantic Ocean | ICCAT | Senegal | Pole-lines hand operated GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Brosme brosme - Barents Sea (Subarea 27.1) - Norwegian Sea, Spitzbergen, and ...
Short Name: Tusk | Barents Sea | Norway/Russia | Norway | Mechanized lines GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Katsuwonus pelamis - Western Central Pacific Skipjack Tuna - Department of Fi...
Short Name: Skipjack tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | Thailand | Thailand | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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Thunnus albacares - Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin Tuna - Directorate ...
Short Name: Yellowfin tuna | Western and Central Pacific Ocean | El Salvador | El Salvador | FAD-free purse seining GRSF Semantic Identifier:...-
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