Lutjanus analis - ReefFish - South Atlantic - Snapper Grouper EFH - US South Atlantic Fishery Management Council - South Atlantic Fishery Management Council - United States of America - Longlines (nei)
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Traceability Unit URI
Traceability Unit Identity
Field | Value |
Assessment Area | Code: SnapperGrouper, System: USA_EFH_SAFMC, Name: South Atlantic - Snapper Grouper EFH |
Assessment Area | Code: ReefFish, System: ESA_EFH_GFMC, Name: ReefFish |
Connected Fishery Record | |
Connected Stock Record | |
Database Source | Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) |
Database Source | RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database |
Database Source | FishSource |
Fishing Gear | Code: 09.39, System: ISSCFG, Name: Longlines (nei) |
Flag State | Code: USA, System: ISO3, Name: United States of America |
GRSF Semantic Identifier | asfis:LJN+esa_efh_gfmc:ReefFish;usa_efh_safmc:SnapperGrouper+authority:NAT:USA+usa_fmc:SAFMC+iso3:USA+isscfg:09.39 |
GRSF Traceability Unit Name | Lutjanus analis - ReefFish - South Atlantic - Snapper Grouper EFH - US South Atlantic Fishery Management Council - South Atlantic Fishery Management Council - United States of America - Longlines (nei) |
GRSF Type | Traceability Unit |
Management Body/Authority | Code: authority:NAT:USA, System: GRSF-ORG, Name: US South Atlantic Fishery Management Council |
Management/Reporting Area | Code: SAFMC, System: USA_FMC, Name: South Atlantic Fishery Management Council |
Short Name | Mutton snapper | Northern Gulf of Mexico and NW Atlantic | US North Atlantic southern | United States | Longlines - Mutton snapper Southern Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico |
Species | Code: LJN, Classification System: ASFIS, Scientific Name: Lutjanus analis |
Record Info
Field | Value |
Citation | © Lutjanus analis - ReefFish - South Atlantic - Snapper Grouper EFH - US South Atlantic Fishery Management Council - South Atlantic Fishery Management Council - United States of America - Longlines (nei). In: Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRSF). Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR. Version: 1.0. Updated: November 12, 2024. Accessed: [Date accessed and/or downloaded]. Database sources: [FishSource, FIRMS, RAM] |
Domain | Traceability Unit |
GRSF UUID | ef4b46e9-3c0b-3394-9664-95f00b7c9fe5 |
Record URL |
Type | Traceability Unit |
Management Info
Field | Value |
Author | Publisher GRSF |
Maintainer | Publisher GRSF |
Version | 1.0 |
Last Updated | 12 November 2024, 12:20 (CET) |
Created | 1 November 2024, 10:56 (CET) |