Limanda limanda - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division...
Short Name: Common dab | North Sea and Skagerrak - Kateggat | EU 3a,4 | Netherlands | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Dab - North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat GRSF Semantic... -
Sebastes goodei - Pacific - Groundfish EFH - Pacific Fishery Management Counc...
Short Name: Chilipepper rockfish | US west coast | US west coast | United States | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Chilipepper Southern Pacific Coast GRSF Semantic... -
Macruronus novaezelandiae - Blue Grenadier Southeast Australia assessment are...
Short Name: Blue grenadier | Great Australia Bight | Great Australia Bight Trawl Sector | Australia | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Blue Grenadier Southeast Australia GRSF... -
Scomber scombrus - West of Bay of Biscay (Division 27.8.e) - Skagerrak and Ka...
Short Name: Atlantic mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 6,7,8a,8b,8d,8e,5b, 2a,12,14 | France | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Mackerel ICES Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic... -
Pollachius virens - Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Y - 21.5.Zu - US National Mari...
Short Name: Saithe | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank | United States | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Pollock NAFO-5YZ GRSF Semantic... -
Aphanopus carbo - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division 27.3.a) - Barents Sea (Sub...
Short Name: Black scabbardfish | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 8,9,10 | France | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Black Scabbardfish - Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Clupea harengus - North Sea (Subarea 27.4) - Skagerrak and Kattegat (Division...
Short Name: Atlantic herring | North Sea autumn spawners | EU/Norway/UK | Norway | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Herring IIIa, VIId and North Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Sprattus sprattus - Sound (Subdivision 27.3.b.23) - East of Gotland or Gulf o...
Short Name: European sprat | Baltic Sea | EU 22-32 | Latvia | Single boat midwater otter trawls - Sprat - Baltic Sea GRSF Semantic Identifier:...