Lophius piscatorius - Bay of Biscay - Central (Division 27.8.b) - West of Bay...
Short Name: Angler | Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay | EU 8abde | France | Beam trawls - Angler - Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay GRSF Semantic Identifier:... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Netherlands | Purse seines - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Ireland | Purse seines - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF Semantic... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Denmark | Midwater trawls - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Ireland | Midwater trawls - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF... -
Lophius budegassa - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Bay of Biscay - Centra...
Short Name: Blackbellied angler | Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay | EU / UK 8a-b,8d-e | Spain | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Blackbellied angler - West of Ireland,... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Spain | Purse seines - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF Semantic... -
Lophius budegassa - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Bay of Biscay - Centra...
Short Name: Blackbellied angler | Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay | EU / UK 8a-b,8d-e | France | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Blackbellied angler - West of Ireland,... -
Pollachius pollachius - Bay of Biscay (Subarea 27.8) - Portuguese Waters - Ea...
Short Name: Pollack | Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Peninsula | EU 8a-b,d-e | Spain | Hooks and lines - Pollack - Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Peninsula GRSF Semantic... -
Pollachius pollachius - Bay of Biscay (Subarea 27.8) - Portuguese Waters - Ea...
Short Name: Pollack | Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Peninsula | EU 8a-b,d-e | France | Pole-lines hand operated - Pollack - Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Peninsula... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | United Kingdom | Midwater trawls - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Denmark | Purse seines - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF Semantic... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | Netherlands | Midwater trawls - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF... -
Pollachius pollachius - Bay of Biscay (Subarea 27.8) - Portuguese Waters - Ea...
Short Name: Pollack | Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Peninsula | EU 8a-b,d-e | Spain | Seine nets - Pollack - Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Peninsula GRSF Semantic... -
Lophius piscatorius - Bay of Biscay - Central (Division 27.8.b) - West of Bay...
Short Name: Angler | Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay | EU 8abde | France | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Angler - Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay GRSF Semantic... -
Lophius piscatorius - Bay of Biscay - Central (Division 27.8.b) - West of Bay...
Short Name: Angler | Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay | EU 8abde | France | Set gillnets (anchored) - Angler - Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay GRSF Semantic... -
Trachurus trachurus - Porcupine Bank (Division 27.7.c) - Celtic Sea South (Di...
Short Name: Atlantic horse mackerel | NE Atlantic | EU / UK 2a,5b, 6, 7, 8a-d,12,14 | United Kingdom | Purse seines - Atlantic horse mackerel - NE Atlantic western stock GRSF... -
Lophius piscatorius - Bay of Biscay - Central (Division 27.8.b) - West of Bay...
Short Name: Angler | Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay | EU 8abde | Spain | Single boat bottom otter trawls - Angler - Southern Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay GRSF Semantic... -
Micromesistius poutassou - Skagerrak, Kattegat, Sound, Belt Sea, and Baltic S...
Short Name: Blue whiting | NE Atlantic | EU/Faroe Islands/Iceland/Norway/NEAFC 1-7,8ab,8de,12,14/UK | Germany | Midwater trawls - Blue whiting - Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic... -
Micromesistius poutassou - Skagerrak, Kattegat, Sound, Belt Sea, and Baltic S...
Short Name: Blue whiting | NE Atlantic | EU/Faroe Islands/Iceland/Norway/NEAFC 1-7,8ab,8de,12,14/UK | Norway | Midwater trawls - Blue whiting - Northeast Atlantic GRSF Semantic...